Redcamel Systems


All about Redcamel Systems


Recamel Systems brings to you terms that are new to you - these elements are the foundation of our system and is what will stand us apart from other developers.

Our foundations are described here.


The InfoNet is our flagship initiative. It is simply an adaptation of an Intranet but it is constructed by an individual as a lifestyle project. It is not an IT project, it is the result of the hard work of one individual that wants to communicate, sometimes just for himself as an access path to the internet.

A good example of an InfoNet would simply be social bookmarking.


A infolab is simply harvesting information and placing it within an InfoNet.

White as Milk

White as milk is a pure HTML website with no CSS / Javascript / Background. The purpose of which is to evaluate and QA the graphics that will be going into the site.


SSNA is Social Networking Network Application. Sounds complex but it isn't it is simply the Social Bookmarking of Free web applications into a single point of access, where this be an InfoNet or a Social Networking application - for example a Blog


A SNNet Server is a device that when installed in the home act as a web server - allowing port 80 traffic on your hub sets you up to communicate to the world.

Setting up an SNNet simply means the understanding of folder and file management within IIS. It is not complicated and should be a lifestyle skill taught in schools.

SNNet was my vision of the WWW before Facebook arrived. We now have a cloud based application which has changed the world in Facebook. SNNet does so much more.

When used with basic lifestyle skill SNNet could change your lifestyle - especially if you are a company director who wants to communicate to his staff.

The use of Google cloud technologies should not be ignored when setting up your IT Communications hub.


Is the process of the developer bidding for the project and the client selecting which website format is required.

Clone Academy

Clone Academy comes into play when the structure of the primary website lends itself to being cloned. That is when just the HTML is copied then the CSS still renders graphics.

If this is the case then a cloing licence will be applied for and Redcamel will work with the primary developer to manage the HTML. It will then be the case that the negotiated percentage of the developmemt costs will be payable to Redcamel Systems fof HTML code changes.